Sep 22Liked by Etymology Nerd

This has the opportunity to be a fun icebreaker; what phrases do you use that the FBI would catch onto in your writing?

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Sep 22Liked by Etymology Nerd

wait me and the unabomber both say “eat your cake and have it too”

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"Eat your cake and have it too" likely wasn't accidental on Ted's part, it's a more logical word ordering than the more common "you can't have your cake and eat it too." I can, and often do, have my cake, then eat it. I would go so far as to say this is the typical use of a cake: to have it, then eat it. Per Wikipedia, the eat-have order was actually the more common form until the 1930s

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i think you posted the wrong link for the cnn article (otherwise fire essay brother 🔥)

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haha it should be fixed in-app now, my bad!! i guess you got a sneak preview of something else i'm researching LOL

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This reminds me of how they discovered Joe Klein was the author of Primary Colors. The book Author Unknown breaks it down.

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Brilliant piece

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